
Nightjars at Greenham Common

It was hard to imagine that, on 15 June, we were only five days away from the Summer Solstice as we walked across the Common, clad in several layers, including gloves. It was certainly very cool. Dark clouds threatened rain but fortunately we stayed dry.


Gibson’s organic fruit farm

On the cloudy but pleasantly warm morning of Monday 3 June, eleven of us met at Miles Gibson’s fruit farm in Westwell. Miles had invited us over for a guided walk during which we could learn about his organic techniques in growing fruit and we could help to identify plants and other wildlife.


Elan Valley 17-20 May 2024

Sixteen club members plus two visitors recently ventured into a remote area of mid-Wales for a long weekend of bird watching in the Elan Valley near Rhayader, a very quiet area (in)famous for the four Victorian reservoirs which supply water to the West Midlands.

Frances Ashling reports:


Dawn Chorus 2024

4 o’clock on Sunday the 5th of May. It’s still dark, surprisingly cold, and very quiet.


Spring at Pit 60

John C writes: Even though it’s spring, it hasn’t felt like it for the last couple of days and we spent another damp Sunday afternoon at Pit 60, which, as usual, was not without its rewards.



On Sunday March 17, sixteen of us gathered at the Village Hall car park in Adelstrop for a walk to look for signs of spring. A wonderful spring day – long awaited, blossom on the trees, blue sky, white clouds and a mild breeze.



John C. writes: When a fight started in the playground at school the shout of ‘Bundle!’ would go up and everyone would pile in. Well, kids probably couldn’t get away with that these days but the coots at Pit 60 clearly don’t know anything about that.


Whelford Pools

What a surprise!  We arrived at Whelford Pools, near Lechlade, on Saturday 10 Feb in pleasant sunshine.  We almost felt that spring was in the air… and we weren’t the only ones.


Goldeneye and Goosanders

John C. writes: “Pit 60”, an old gravel pit in the lower Windrush Valley at Standlake is one of my favourite birding places, not only because it’s only a few miles from home, but because of the numbers of ducks you can see there.


A trip to the Somerset Levels

The week before last, Elaine Steane visited the Somerset Levels. She writes: I joined five others on a Naturetrek-led two day visit to the Somerset Levels, based from a very comfortable old coaching inn, The Swan in Wells, just opposite the Cathedral.